Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Case Studies Abstract

Case Studies Abstract Alfredo Cano Abstract Innovative methods in language teaching may sometimes be slightly difficult for less experienced teachers. Case studies are a relatively new type of task-based activities for business English students. They have been used in language courses for some time now. It seems, however, that their full teaching potential has not been used yet. Teachers seem to be uncertain of how to use cases in class.The paper presents the main pedagogical aspects of using case studies in business English courses. It gives a short description of the structure of typical mini-cases included in recently published course-books of business English. It discusses the basic principles and techniques of using the case study method in class. The main aim of the paper is to present the advantages of the case study method as a new tool of developing learners’ linguistic and non-linguistic competence.Cases offer valuable teaching material that needs to be fully exploit ed. Suggestions given in teacher’s books can be supplemented by various innovative tasks aimed at developing the productive skills of speaking and writing. Cases are motivating for business English learners since they give them the authority to decide what to do to solve a real-life business problem (learners are in the role of managers). Learners can present their point of view, discuss its advantages and suggest a course of action.They have a chance to compete and to demonstrate their analytical and managerial skills. Doing the cases learners use language naturally. In the case study method language is a tool to solving a problem, it is a means of communicating in typical business situations. If teachers learn how to use cases more extensively in the future, they will certainly make the teaching process more effective and studentcentered. 1. Introduction The effectiveness of language teaching depends, among others, on teaching materials.Students and teachers need materials that can improve the language acquisition process and offer more opportunities to develop the productive language skills of speaking and writing. These skills, as opposed to the receptive skills of reading and listening comprehension, are more difficult to acquire and require much more practice and time. In her book on business English teaching Donna (2000) stresses the fact that if students believe that in a language course they do tasks relevant for their future professional communication, they are more motivated to learn.Case studies were first used in law to evidence verdicts given by judges and to teach law students. In the 30s of the 20th century cases were introduced in psychiatry. Case reports were written to document diseases and to consult the cases with other specialists. Today, all medical specialties use case reports for didactic and research purposes. Case studies started to be used in business in 1967 when Strauss and Glazer created their ‘grounded theoryâ€℠¢. In the mid-70s of the 20th century they were introduced in business schools.Harvard Business School has been using this method intensively to teach future managers how to solve real-life problems. Today, the case study method is widely used as a teaching and researching tool in medicine, psychology, anthropology, sociology, economics, management, finance and other sciences where the presentation and analysis of a real problem is of relevance in teaching and researching. The paper presents the case study method as an interesting and motivating teaching material that can be widely used in teaching business English to adult learners. 2.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Death’s Arbitrary Empire †McManners Essay

On this day 220 years ago, a group of French insurgents stormed a national arms house, the Bastille, and set off the events of the French Revolution. This changed France forever, bringing an end to the monarchy that had dominated the political landscape for years, bringing about the Napoleonic period and ultimately, Democratic France that we see today. Perhaps the driving force behind the movement could be pointed at the period of oppression rained down on the French peasantry by the nobility in the 17th and 18th centuries. In a time period dominated by French excesses and lavish living by the nobility, most notably during the reign of the Sun King Louis XIV, more than 85% of the population was living in shackles of poverty. The social stratum was shaped like a pyramid with the wealthy elite occupying the top of the triangle. Most of the people spent their lives mired in the lowest level, and social movement was very unlikely. The richest members of this society had a 10-17 year life advantage over those who lived in extreme poverty. Economic prowess meant a better diet, better nutrition, and thus a better overall quality of life. Elite bourgeois dined on fine cheeses and meats and drank expensive bottles of wine from the Chateau region while peasants drank contaminated water and ate grain often harvested from diseased crops. Water for the peasants was often dug from shallow wells and poured through linen for sanitary purposes. Most French noblemen knew better, and kept a â€Å"wine-only† drinking policy. Diseased crops were fed to peasants in time of paucity, and often caused the deaths of many from diseases like tuberculosis and dysentery. Also, the more status and economic power one had, the more likely it was the patriarch would be able to carry out the family name. Peasants barely had children and when they did, 9 out of 10 did not live past the age of ten. Surgeons and midwives were often responsible for the mangling of a child at birth. Many mishandlings resulted from these early medical practitioners, leaving children maimed, humpbacked, or even worse, dead. Women were encouraged not to reproduce for the fear of the childbirth experience. The wealthy were able to hire the best of midwife and birthing assistants to see that their children were particularly cared for. Hospitals also became  breeding grounds for disease as all the children who made it through childbirth were kept in the same quarters oftentimes. Another perk of being of high society was that most likely, one would avoid the unsanitary conditions of the inner cities in the time period. Human excrement lined the streets and human corpses were often found put out with the trash. Crowded households jam-packed with many poor families often had corpses in beds the same day they were slept in later that night. These terribly unsanitary conditions lead to the massive spread of disease and the death once the disease overwhelmed an area. The center of every French town in the time period contained a cemetery, and they were certainly busy. Disease and â€Å"Death’s dark armies† lurked in the streets of Paris all the way out to the countryside. It was just a part of daily life in the 1600s and 1700s. Families could have 5 to 7 children buried at the local cemetery, none of which lived past the age of ten. Death was everywhere, and it was out of control due to the habits of the population. Feces lined the streets from Paris to even the gilded halls of Versailles. A very interesting point can be illustrated by the study of this time period. The terrible living conditions and disease and famine were directly brought about by the behavior of the French citizens. The modern concept of the â€Å"accident† in daily life – like a technology failure, mixed-up signal, etc. had not even been invented yet. Daily life was a free-for-all, with almost no rules governing the areas in which the peasants lived, and no one around to enforce them. Vagabonds littered the streets, begging or stealing anything they could find, and in turn, creating garbage and spreading disease. Until the French citizens got themselves under control, life would still continue to be a daily struggle for most. It is decidedly easy to be critical of the French’s plight in this time period. The population was directly responsible for the situation it was in, and the habits of people caused this disease and death ravaged atmosphere. However, the efforts of the early physicians, like the surgeons and  midwives, cannot be ignored for their attempts to reverse the spread of these terrible diseases and death plagues, no matter how in vain they were. A physician of the time period put it best when relating the cause of a disease in patients – a patient with an already poor base in nutrition was much more susceptible to disease and the resulting death. Although it has been proven in current third world countries that a small diet can maintain the nutritionally balanced body chemistry that might starve someone from America, these peasants lacked even the bare essentials for a diet. They lived mostly on bread and poor water, some cheese if they were lucky. The prescription for most di seases was hot meat stew, oftentimes not doing anything. Certainly the French citizens living in poverty needed to escape their terrible living situations, and eventually began to organize against the monarchy and nobility that had oppressed them for so many years. Groups inspired by the American triumph ten years before began to emerge promising a better life for the poor French, and the movements gained strength. A crowd of about one thousand French peasants were mobilized on July 14th, 1789, as they stormed the monarchy’s arms house, the Bastille. Seven prisoners were released, but the shockwaves from the event hit even the far reaches of the country, thus changing the French political landscape forever, as well as the rest of Western European history, and the effect on the increasingly connected world. Works Cited â€Å"Death’s Arbitrary Empire† By John McManners

Monday, July 29, 2019

California Oil Spill Sparks State of Emergency Term Paper

California Oil Spill Sparks State of Emergency - Term Paper Example Oil spillages such as the BP Mexico Gulf catastrophe have normally been caused by unpredicted engineering failures. However, most of the failures have been attributed to unethical operations by the management of the responsible companies. Significant amounts of money were spent on disaster mitigation and response including compensations for loss of lives, financing cleanups and reconstruction of the damaged property (On-site clean-up of oil spillage, 2013). That solely focused on the California Oil Spillage that even sparked the State of Emergency. The State government of California parted allocated financial and other resources towards the management of the crisis. The paper explores the dangers posed by the threat and destruction that emanated from its occurrence. Engineering and ethical issues emanating from the disaster are discussed and the actual causes that might have resulted in its occurrence. Besides presenting an evaluation of the issues, the construct of this paper also e xplores the engineering efforts that were applied during the crisis to help prevent and reduce the adverse effects of the California Oil

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Critical respond Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Critical respond - Essay Example The approach that the author takes is one that is based on providing information about the different dynasties that were relevant to Japan, beginning from 221 BC. The main concepts that are presented at the beginning show the main territories as well as the specialist areas in which most worked with the Japanese dynasty. The relevant facts include everything from the agricultural concepts that were approached during this time as well as the way in which the embassies divided the different borders and regions for rule. More importantly, there is a direct introduction that shows how the emperor’s of each region incorporated new lands and began to conquer various territories to provide more resources and wealth to each nation. The basic information includes the settlements that took place from the different rulers as well as different areas which were conquered throughout the dynasty era. The author not only incorporates the basic aspects of the reading from the political and agricultural viewpoints, but also begins to show how the trends of Japan changed because of the religious beliefs. For instance, some of the mountain regions of Japan were considered sacred. This led to underdevelopment of the areas, as well as specific approaches to ensure that the sacred concepts were kept throughout the region. This begins with an understanding of how the ancient culture developed with the main philosophies, such as the concept of words, symbols and images and how these reflected the spiritual nature of those that were within the region. The author then moves into how this evolved into Zen Buddhism and the developments that make Japan more current in the religious beliefs, specifically because of the developments that occurred in ancient times. The author links the beliefs as the core part of the country, which allowed other parts of power

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Education Infosystem Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Education Infosystem - Research Paper Example The research paper "Education Info system" talks about the development of a system developed to improve the quality of learning and research of a given region. The education system has a great influence on the kind of education and research that is carried out in a given country. It is noted that the nature of students determines the kind of methods of teaching, accessing the type of information. A country with a large China needs the sophisticated type of information system faster work, improve accuracy and efficiency in service delivery, for instance, it takes a better and advanced information technology and system to cater for the needs of an increased population. A similar survey also indicates that the size of the country determines the kind of system used to disseminate the information needed so as to deliver service in good time. In the current educational setup, there are a lot of changes all the way from classroom to the public, for instance, the manner of teaching and delivering by tutors has changed from traditional face-to-face to better and interactive technologies that lack human element such video conferencing. This enables different types of information from a diverse location to integrated and coordinated for a better decision making. It can be noted further that due top lack of system, information is wasted and blurred and myopic decisions are made in time and more accurately. In education, teachers’ salaries extrinsically motivate teachers from teaching and delivering the quality of service.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Emile Durkheim Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Emile Durkheim Theories - Essay Example His contribution in literature was also immense and is valued up to date (Cuff and Francis 2004, p. 40). One of the main concerns of Durkheim was how the society was formed and how it operated. He observed the formation of the society and the maintenance of social order. He was concerned with the integrity and coherence of the modern society. In this case Durkheim recognized how the society was being transformed by the changes that were taking place in the social life of the people. Durkheim looked closely the shared religious and ethnic background that was changing the life of the society. According to Durkheim, the social changes that were taking place due to religion and ethnic changes could not be ignored in the definition of a normal society. These factors determined how the society was formed and how it operated. To understand the nature of the society and the changes that were taking place, Durkheim constructed as social science model (Giddens 2001, p. 69). Along with Herbert Spence, they developed the first scientific model that could be used to analyze and explain social phenomena. This model which was based on the social facts could be used to explain the existence and quality of different parts that makes up the society. This was explained well by making reference to the different functions of the social facts in maintaining the quotidian and therefore they can be assured as the precursors to functionalism (Durkheim 1938, p. 301). Although Durkheim showed that the society was made up of different parts, he also explained that these parts doest not entirely constitute the whole society. The society was more than these parts and their interrelationship. According to Durkheim, the society has a complex arrangement that is held together by a social fabric (Lukes 1982, p. 60). Durkheim pointed out that while you needed facts in studying science, you do not even know the facts that are relevant to you not until you create the science. This means that we have to use imagination in order to create science that could be used to study the society even before you find out that the science we have created is really imperfect. Therefore Durkheim explained his understanding of the society in view of social fact. He explained social facts as the phenomena which exist in and of themselves although they are not bound to action of individual members of the society. Therefore social facts were different from the action of the individuals. They had a greater objective than the sum total of actions of individuals that compose the society. (Ritzer 2004, p. 21) Unlike his contemporaries like Ferdinand Tonnies or Marx Weber who were considered to have made contribution to the study of the society, Durkheim did not focus on what motivates the action of the individuals in the society but he rather focused on the social facts. His studies were not based on the methodological individualism but focused on the social facts that influence the life of individuals in the society although they are very different from the actions of the individuals. According to Durkheim social facts are made up of different ways of acting and feeling which are not tied to the individual persons. These ways possesses power of coercion which they impose upon individual member

Constitution Law and business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Constitution Law and business - Research Paper Example However, constitutional laws bear significant impacts on how businesses are conducted, the nature of businesses as well as their scope. For instance, the U.S, Constitution governs businesses through the Commerce Clause while most of Germany’s commercial law is affected by the European Union’s legislation. In the end, constitutional laws on businesses will ultimately impact on the economic performance of the respective countries. The U.S constitution was ratified in 1788. Despite this passage of time, it has continued to evolve in tandem with the needs of the changing culture and economic environment. The U.S constitution generally regulates business through the Commerce Clause enshrined in Article 1, Section 8 and Clause 3 (Bahners, 2014). The German Republic’s constitution is sometimes referred to as the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany. It has been in existence for about 60 years. In this duration it has been amended 55 times. For instance, in 2009, Germany’s constitution was amended to effect the debt break (or Schuldenbremse). Bahners (2014) states that this law applies to both the federal government as well as the Lander (individual states). Germany is a federal government like the United States. However, the jurisdiction of the German constitution in relation to business is affected by among other sources, the European Union’s regulations on trade and preferential trade area agreements (Bahners, 2014). Though similarly a federal government, the U.S Congress is accorded with the final authority to regulate business and commercial activities between itself and foreign nations. Therefore, both federal and state governments play roles in regulating commercial activities on the domestic and international stages (Allmendinger, 2013). The U.S state and federal governments share equal authority to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

First of all i would like you to choose for me the name of famouse Essay

First of all i would like you to choose for me the name of famouse companies has crisis such BP just example i would like to ch - Essay Example It will provide all information regarding the problems faced by the company. The problems were more internal than external due to which a company that was claimed to be the world leader sometimes was been seen with an eye of doubt by its stakeholders and the consumers. The report will also highlight the major issues the company had with its products and the steps taken by the company to rise from this set back. The company gives a good example of how any organization needs stability and consistent approach of quality in its products. Also, it highlights that the work of its employees is not only on the functioning of the processes but also there is a responsibility they hold towards their own customers and stakeholders who wants to know a clear picture of the company. They are the ones who need more communication and to build this picture in front of them, it is recommended to work constantly in this direction. Overview of the company and the issues faced Mattel is considered once th e leader in the toy company in the whole world. Mattel was introduced as a garage workshop. It origins in 1945 in Southern California. The products is brought in early 80’s include match box, custom motors, Polly, barbie, casketball queen, battle force and monster high, and game consoles. It also found its space in the list of 500 largest industrial companies (Torget, 2002) Mattel won the title of being in the first 100 of "100 Best Corporate Citizens" Mattel is currently operating in more than fourty three nations with a huge work force of 31,000 people which is also and approximation with its headquarter in EL Segundo in California, United states of America. It is very great to hear that it is selling globally in more than 150 countries and since then expanding. Mattel claims many crowns due to the innovative work. One of them is "World's Most Ethical Companies." (Mattel, 2011). It is now a world leader due to the huge success and innovative ideas it has bring with it. With the introduction and success of Barbie in the year 1980’s it conquered the world leadership. Like various leaders in the world market, Mattel has attracted media due to its high growth and influence on the market. It also somewhere led to consumer distrust. Further, Mattel came into highlights when it started outsourcing its processes which also means loss of hundreds of American jobs to Asian nations due to cost. It also led to the moment of human rights organizations to take action against Mattel. But Mattel was consistent in telling the outside world, the investors and stakeholders that is it growing and there are no problems with its functioning but the inside story was something else which was highlighted to the outside world in the early years of 1994 (Morgenson, 1999). Next decision which turned down the trust of investors was turning to mergers and acquisitions for growth. The buying of Companies named Tyco Toys Inc, Pleasant Company, Bluebird Toys PLC maker of Polly Pocket and Learning Company. All the companies were bought at unusual high prices then the company‘s annual sales (Morgenson, 1999). In 2000’s, in view of taking the recovery actions towards transparency and corporate social Responsibility, Mattel started taking moves in the direction of regaining the trust and confidence among its consumers and investors. With that the operations team was also working judiciously to manage and bring up the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Distribution center, warehouse, and plant location Essay - 1

Distribution center, warehouse, and plant location - Essay Example For companies, high population is always a big market for their goods. The reason is that when there is a high population in a country, the sales of the companies go high because of presence of a large number of consumers. Therefore, companies view population as a market for goods. On the other hand, population is also a source of labor. Companies need to recruit people to run business operations. Therefore, companies also view population as a source for labor. Transportation considerations influence facility location decisions because high transportations costs increase the price of goods. The most suitable facility locations are those where transportation services are easily available. When a facility is located at a place, where there is a shortage of transportation services, transportation costs will be high because of less competition. Therefore, companies usually find such locations, which there is an excess of transportation services. Facility relocation occurs when a company shifts a facility from one place to another due to some reasons. On the other hand, facility closing occurs when a company suspends its business operations at a facility when the company does not need that facility to operate any more. In case of facility relocation, employees do not face big problems because they can still work for their companies. However, the companies should adjust their wages in accordance with the location of the new facility. On the other hand, in case of facility closing, companies should arrange new jobs for their employees before the date of closing in order to secure their professional

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ronald Reagans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ronald Reagans - Essay Example Islamists groups were becoming stronger an aspect that increased the Americans concern due to their ailing economy (Historical times, 2011). In 1980, the country was in need of a leader who was to reform the economy. Peace through strength slogan by the conservative popularized the party and as a result Ronald Reagan was elected. The slogan supported military strength which was aimed at creating peaceful international relations in the world (Snyder & Brown, 1997, p. 45). After he took power he invested heavily on military buildup in order to wear down the soviet that had attained much power. By the time he stepped down, the military budget has been expanded to 44% increase. This increased thousands of troops, more advanced war equipments and even an advanced intelligence program. The program was of great importance as it returned America back to its military position. There is no country that can develop its economy when it is not guaranteed that the state of security is high. This is because investors fear to invest in a country where their capital is not secure (Hodge & Nolan, 2007, p.343). As a result, America recorded tremendous growth as investors were ready to invest in the country as security of their investment was guaranteed. The benefits of this economic growth and military superiority are being experienced even in current decade (Hodge & Nolan, 2007). Reagan two terms marked a new and dramatic era of innovation. Due to the funds that the government set aside for innovation, many innovators were encouraged to come up with new innovative ideas that were aimed at improving country’s security and economic growth. The innovation era was not just in America but even in other countries especially in the soviet as they tried to keep with Americans. This saw them falling into a budget deficit (Hodge & Nolan, 2007). Massive military expenditure enabled the government to avoid war. This was through scaring off their enemies due

Monday, July 22, 2019

Asian American Essay Example for Free

Asian American Essay America has grown very much over the past couple of years when it comes to the representations of race, gender, class and sexuality. In America today many people are aware of the issues that different people have faced and the problems they are currently dealing with. Breaking a stereotype is a hard thing to do for any minority but it has been especially hard on the Asian community. From the early days of media Asian men and women have been portrayed a very specific way in film and television. In the 1950’s and 1960’s Asian women were portrayed as sexual objects, they were evil goddesses with slanted eyes or smiling, cunning, sexual deviants. This objectified Asian women to only two choices, be naive and hopeless or untrustworthy and devious. Now a days the media has obviously tried to eliminate these stereotypes. Their attempts have worked to some extent however there still are not many big name Asian women actresses. One of the biggest Asian actresses in Hollywood is Lucy Liu. Although is she a very successful actress all of her roles are very sexual. Is this a good or bad thing for the Asian community? Yes she is very famous but is she playing right into Asian women being sexually exploited in the media. Asian males have faced a very similar problem over the years. Although the term Asian American covers about 30 different ethnicities, in the media they are almost all portrayed in the same way. In the early days of American media you barely saw any Asian males on T. V. One of the most prominent Asian characters on T. V. in the early 30’s and 40’s was the character of Charlie Chan. Charlie Chan was a detective who appeared in over 40 different films, his character was very wise, smart and witty. The only problem was this Asian character was played by three different white actors over the years. The reasoning behind this was that all the good characteristics Charlie Chan had were because the actors were white and all of his negative characteristics were due to the fact that the character was Asian. Once again in todays society we have progressed significantly since the days of Charlie Chan. However Asian males today have been predominantly reduced to two major roles. One of these two roles is pretty easy to figure out, that role would be the kung foo action role. If I said, name a couple of Asian American actors the first that come to mind are Jackie Chan and or Bruce Lee. Everybody knows or has seen a couple of the films these two stars have been in. Another role is the role of the villain. Many Asian characters do not have big roles unless they are the bad guy. They are often linked with gang activities such as prostitution, gambling and murder. Here are some examples of these stereotypes and representations. The first one is the movie trailer for The World of Suzie Wong. This movie is about an American writer who is struggling in life and falls in love with a Chinese prostitute. Although it is a love story and Suzie Wong is the main character you can just tell by the trailer what American men think of Asian women at the time. www. youtube. com/watch? v=jnepiAcqb_g The next clip is a more modern movie. It stars Lucy Liu who is a very successful Asian actress. This movie is obviously a step forward, in the 1960’s an Asian woman fighting crime would have been thought of as blasphemous. Although her role in this movie is a strong woman who fights crime there is still a little bit of sexual objectivity here and in many other scenes of the movie.www. youtube. com/watch? v=cjyqWsrpQAA This next image is an image of Charlie Chan. You can tell by the picture that the actor that plays Charlie Chan is white. They use make up and he talks with an accent to make the character Asian. This truly makes no sense to me at all. The character is Asian but could not be played by an Asian because his good values would not seem realistic, but all of the negative qualities he has is because the character is of Chinese decent. http://beyondmediaonline. com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/chan. jpg. This next clip is from Rush Hour 3 and it pretty much plays into all the stereotypes I was talking about before. Jackie Chan is the star of this movie and he is a detective who specializes in martial arts and the man they are interrogating in this scene is a French/Asian gangster. Now once again not every Asian actor is a martial arts star or portrays a gangster in a movie now a days. It just seems that the major roles Asian actors get are ones like this. http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=tfEZwRukZOo Nittle, N. (2013). Asian American Stereotypes. Retrieved from http://racerelations. about. com/od/hollywood/a/Five-Common-Asian-american-Stereotypes-In-Tv-And-Film. htm Is Lucy Liu a heroine or a curse? (2003, January 29). Gold Sea Asian American Daily. Retrieved December 4, 2007, from http://goldsea. com/Air/Issues/Liu/liu. html. Chan, C. (1988). Asian Stereotypes. Retrieved from Chan, C. (1988). Asian American women: The psychological responses to sexual exploitation and cultural stereotypes. The Politics of Race and Gender in Therapy. Ed. Lenora Fulani. Haworth, 31-38.

History of Ocean Explorations

History of Ocean Explorations Significance of oceans Oceans are very important for human being in many ways. We will discuss three significance of ocean here Significance of ocean in exploration Significance of ocean in transportation Strategic role of oceans Significance of oceans in exploration Ocean played major role in exploration of many unexplored lands of the world. The age of exploration begin in early 15th century to until 17th century in which many Europeans travelled and explore many land of Africa, America, Australia and many other islands. Reason of travel They travelled to get spices, goods like silk and gold, religion converts and for bypassing the Muslim empires They travelled because they get the new and more detailed maps and also the new instruments which they used in exploration some of the instrument are Astrolabe that is used to determine altitude of the sun and position of the stars Sextant that is used to find latitude and longitude New ships which were bigger than the past Explorers With the rise of the Turks in the 14th and 15th centuries, trade with the east became increasingly difficult by land. But under the influence of the Renaissance on the European mind there also developed an urge of adventure and enterprise to discover new lands to plant colonies of their own people in them and to find a new independent route to India. Thus the 15th century ushered in an era of discoveries in the history of European peoples. (1) Some of famous explorers are: Marco Polo (1250-1324) He started his travel from Italy to china in 1271 with his father and uncle he spend 20 years with Kublai Khan. In 1292 he decided to went back king gave him 14 ships. He travelled from Java, Sumatra, Sri Lanka and Madagascar. Prince Henry (1396-1460) He was a Portuguese explorer. He reached India bypassing Muslim Empires and Africa .In 1455 he reach to banning coast. He discovers many lands of Atlantic Ocean. Captain Vasco da Gama He travelled from Cape of Good Hope to Mozambique to Mogadishu to Mombasa. In 1498 he travelled and reached Calicut from Mozambique and realised the Portuguese ambition to finding a sea route to India. Kristopher Columbus (1451-1508) He was Spanish but studied in Portugal. He travelled to explore India. In 1492 he reached West Indies he thought that he had discover India until his death. Magellan: He was Portages explorer but Spanish king help him in sailing and provide him 5 ships. He started his journey in 1519 from Spain to Brazil and then South America and tip of India. He reached Guam islands (east of Philippine) on April 27, 1521 he entered Philippine and killed there. Juan Sebastian the captain of Victoria ship one of the Magellan ship reached Spain by crossing Indian Ocean. In 1522 Juan Sebastian in Victoria circles the earth. French and English nations In 1534 the French navigator Jacques Cartier’s (1491-1557) expedition in an attempt to find the north-west passage reached the mouth of the St. Lawrence and discovered the lower fertile valley of the river. In 1553 the English expedition of Willoughby and Chancellor, in search of North East passage, reached the White Sea leading to the discovery of Russia. In 1576 Sir Martin Frobisher undertook three voyages (1576-1578) westward to find the north-westward passage and in the last attempt discovered the Hudson strait of the north of Labrador. (2) Captain James cooks (1728-1779) He was British navigator he drew the outline of Pacific Ocean and explores many Islands and countries. There are three major journeys of cook 1768-1771: He travelled from England to South America (Strait of Magellan) to Pacific Ocean to New Zealand to New gunny to Australia (eastern coast and islands) Cape of Good Hope to back to England. 1772-1775: Start his travel from England to Cape of Good Hope to Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean then to New Zealand and different islands he reached Antarctic circles up to 71 degree and 10 minutes then reached England moving from Strait of Magellan. 1776-1779: Started his travel from England to Cape of Good Hope then New Zealand Go way islands to Northern post, Alaska, bearing post, Russia and died there. After James cooks the Earth was explore world map was redrawn. Significance of ocean in Transportation The oceans serve as a highway for trade and travel. Mostly the shipment of heavy trade commodities and mineral oil is transported through these ocean routs. (3) There are many ways of transportation like roads, railway, by air and by water. Water enables more efficient travel as compared to land for most of heavy material things like containers, oil tankers, heavy machinery and jets and other weapons etc. Waterways are very important for the transportation of people and goods throughout the world. Connection between coastal ports and inland ports of countries lead the foundation of material economics wealthy worldwide. Early history of water-based transportation In the past water-based transportation was very important for domestic and international trade and travelling of people. By the early exploration many natural resources were identified such as fisheries and timber etc. For the transportation of these resources trade centres were established along the coastal areas where goods were gathered and then transported to consumers of Europe and other areas of the world by ocean vessels. Introduction of transportation system lead the small subsistence farms to larger farms such as wheat, tobacco, rice and cotton that were commercially marketable in Europe. By the ocean vessels low value goods were exported and returned with high value and low density goods like inks, linens and finished products. During 1700s, the British government passed away act to collect taxes from the colonies this step of Government affected the trade. Transportation in Twentieth and twenty-first centuries In this time with the arrival of advancement in technology, engines design as well as improvement in construction material the ships which looked like the beautiful city the transportation become very easy and economically better then the last centuries of times. Moderns cruise ships, ferries and many other small boats carry peoples for daily business commuting to fishing and sightseeing. Ferry system in Nova Scotia (Canada) is an example of the importance of waterway of transportation. About 95% of U.S. foreign trade passes through its port system. Pakistan Karachi port is very important as far as the heavy materials transportation is concern. Today the world economy has become globalized. According to NOAA the U.S. was the world’s leading trader in 1998, about one billion tons of trade was bound with ocean. All containers of different goods and oil tankers that cannot be transported by other mean of transportation so they are transported by the water passageway these heavy material are transported to the ports by land and then transported by ocean ways to the other countries of the world. (NATO supply is also carried out by the ocean way from U.S.A. a large part is transported to the army of NATO from Pakistan)

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The operations and business model of McDonalds

The operations and business model of McDonalds Mission McDonalds brand mission is to be our customers favorite place and way to eat. Our worldwide operations have been aligned around a global strategy called the Plan to Win centering on the five basics of an exceptional customer experience People, Products, Place, Price and Promotion. We are committed to improving our operations and enhancing our customers experience. This is from Vision We envision a supply chain that profitably yields high-quality, safe products without supply interruption while leveraging our leadership position to create a net benefit by improving ethical, environmental and economic outcomes. Ethical We envision purchasing from suppliers who follow practices that ensure the health and safety of their employees and the welfare and humane treatment of animals in our supply chain. Environmental We envision influencing the sourcing of our materials and ensuring the design of our products, their manufacture, distribution and use minimize lifecycle impacts on the environment. Economic We envision delivering affordable food, engaging in equitable trade practices, limiting the spread of agricultural diseases, and positively impacting the communities where our suppliers operate. We view this vision and its responsibilities holistically. As sourcing decisions are made, we consider our priorities for food safety, quality and costs, as well as our ethical , environmental and economic responsibilities. Our progress on beef and coffee sustainability illustrate how we are working to bring this approach to life. This is from Evaluation Blah,. Blah, blahà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Operations and Business Model McDonalds is the worlds largest foodservice retailing chain. It operates approximately 32,000 restaurants in over 100 countries and is one of the worlds largest food service retailing chain, preparing, and serving a range of food products and beverages. All restaurants are operated either by the company or by franchisees, including conventional franchisees under franchise arrangements, and foreign affiliated markets and developmental licensees under license agreements. The companys business is divided into four geographic segments: Europe, the US, APMEA (Asia, Pacific, Middle East and Africa), and other countries and corporate. Other countries and corporate includes Canada and Latin America, as well as corporate activities and certain investments. McDonalds restaurants offer a standardized menu, although there may be geographic variations. McDonalds makes their revenues in three ways; Retail sales, Franchise fees and lease agreements for property they own (leasing the property back to the franchisee) I DONT KNOW WHERE THIS CAME FROMà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..(I have this one Clint) This came from DataMonitor Company Profile retrieved 6/3/10 saved in the M Drive as McDonalds Company Profile Evaluation à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦The Ford paper was about this short with no moreà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Financial and Performance Evaluation Outperforms the industry in revenue and net income growth Higher profit margins than the industry and the SP. Liquidity within range of competitors Less levered than the rest of the industry Highly efficient in turning inventory Financials have been generally trending upward Evaluation The combination of high margins and efficient inventory turnover has allowed McDonalds to outperform the rest of the industry by almost all accounts. The low debt and high interest coverage indicates that the company should not have difficulty in meeting its obligations. As a result, McDonalds was issued a credit rating of AA- by Moodys, the highest credit rating ever given to a fast food restaurant ( Same store revenues have been increasing quarter over quarter and year over year, assisted by strong sales in countries other than the US. Despite the recent recession, McDonalds has performed well and seems poised to capitalize on the opportunity. Macro Environment Key Trends Economy Global economic issues from the US stock market, to Greece, to Chinas economic slowdown Potential weak dollar/poor exchange rates Varied market conditions per country Technology Different cultures want different foods/ menus than U.S so must invest in RD Political/Legal Ever changing climates with 100 governments to deal with Varied laws (trade, finance, safety, labor, etc.) Socio-Cultural The rest of the world wants what the U.S. has and food is one of the items Pressures to have healthier foods Demographics More baby boomers Recent higher unemployment New demographics to deal with (Brazil, Russia, India, China) Globalization People say they want to loose weight, but most people are gaining it Natural Environment Pressures to go green (packaging, reduced carbon footprint, etc.) Threats Continued competition Impression they only sell unhealthy foods Poor economic conditions and global unrest Opportunities Expand in the coffee (McCafe) market Continue with healthier foods and lifestyles Partner with retail chains (i.e. like Starbucks has done with grocery stores and Target) These are our thoughts, so no reference, agree!! Evaluation Industry Analysis McDonalds is in the quick service restaurant segment and its defined as the sale of food and drink for immediate consumption either on the premises or in designated eating areas shared with other foodservice operators, or for consumption elsewhere. Their main competitors are Burger King and Wendys/Arbys. The global fast food market generated total revenues of $154.7B in 2008, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.6% for the period spanning 2004-2008. The performance of the market is forecast to decelerate, with an anticipated CAGR of 5.3% for the five-year period of 2008-2013. Reference is the Datamonitor paper Five Forces Substitutes (Moderate) Home cooking Convenience stores Grocery Stores (i.e. salad bar, pre-cooked diners, etc) Suppliers Power (Low) No uniqueness to products Raw materials readily available Switching costs are low Buyer Power (High) Buyer Independence Low switching costs Tendency to switch New Entrants (Low) Local franchise may be impacted by competition, but not nationally/globally Too much capital needed to compete with McDonalds Hard to match branding power Rivalries (High) Little product differentiation Little price differentiation Many competitors These are our thoughts, so no reference, agree!! I agree, unless you want to reference Grant textbook. Market segment Strategic Groups / Competitors by Market (DM) Consumer Packages Good Industry Food (Cargill, Inc., Nestle SA, The Proctor Gamble Company, Japan Tobacco, Inc., Unilever) Leisure and Arts Industry Hotels and Restaurants (TUI AG, Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited, Compass Group PLC, Sodexo S.A,., Burger King Corporation) Food Service (Compass Group PLC, Sodexo S.A., Loews Corporation, ARAMARK Corporation) Fast Food Restaurants (Yum! Brands, Inc., Autogrill S.p.A., Chick-fail-A, Inc., Jack in the Box Inc., Wendys/Arbys Group) Kristie found thisà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..I found this at Datamart retrieved 7/10/10 Competitor Analysis McDonalds Burger King Wendy/Arbys Strategy Cost leadership (low cost, industry wide) strategy Strategy is to offer menu variety at affordable prices such as Happy Meals, budget-minded Value Menu, espresso coffee drinks, fruit smoothies, premium chicken sandwiches and salads, our premium sandwiches that come with chicken, or grilled chicken as a choice in terms of managing calories Restaurant development strategy is to pick locations within the marketplace to expand its target customers such as restaurants in local neighborhoods as well as at airports, malls, toll ways, and colleges. (DM) Large scale of operation and ability to customize menu provides the ability to penetrate upcoming markets with minimal effort and enhances its revenue generation capacity (DM) De-emphasize Partner Brands concepts in order to focus on the McDonalds brand (SP) Cost leadership (low cost, industry wide) strategy Strategy is to focus its product development and marketing to customers in the 18- to 34-year-old male demographic. It has added a number of premium-priced items to its menu, including the Steakhouse Burger made with Angus beef. (Hoovers) Uses a number of online marketing techniques, including viral videos, to reach its target audience (Hoovers) Cost leadership (low cost, industry wide) strategy (WA, DM) Improving several core products such as sandwich buns, French fries and bacon by differentiating in quality in the QSR hamburger segment. (WA, DM) Focus on our fresh, never frozen beef and premium chicken. (WA, DM) Install a disciplined product development and testing process (WA, DM) Objectives Compete in the global fast food industry continue its Plan to Win corporate strategy that it commenced in 2003 (SP) Fixing operating inefficiencies in existing restaurants; taking a more integrated while focusing on growth, with an emphasis on increasing sales, margins and returns in existing restaurants; and ensuring the right operating structure and resources are aligned with priorities that create benefits for customers and restaurants. (SP) Customize product to suit tastes and preference of consumers in local markets (DM) Well-positioned to expand global footprint, invest in reimaging program and deliver operations excellence every day. Marketing campaigns and menu options will focus on the brand equities that provide a distinct competitive advantage flame-broiled taste, quality and size at affordable prices. (DM Wendy) Long-term strategies remain on course and committed to respond to an ever-changing consumer dynamic. Same-store sales growth by increasing transactions and average check. Margin expansion through advanced operational execution and control of costs. Begin a rollout of a Breakfast menu to attract market share in day segment. New restaurant development with an emphasis on franchise growth. Expand internationally in markets such as Latin America, the Middle East, and Asia- Pacific. Assumptions International segment has supplied much of its earnings growth over the past two decades (SP) Diversified geographic presence provides opportunity to gain from economic growth in emerging markets (DM) Restaurants sub-industry is negative and will continue as high jobless ratios and an ongoing troubled housing market (SP) The full-service restaurant segment will be negative specifically for the restaurant locations in states where the housing markets prices are weak and unemployment is above the national average causing continued pressure on sales and customer preference for less expensive menu choices. (SP) Challenging consumer environment will continue due to high unemployment levels resulting in a reduction in out-of-home eating expenditures. Resources 385,000 Employees (SP) Cash 1,796 Million (SP) 41,320 Employees (SP) Cash 122 Million (SP) 67,500 Employees (SP) Cash 592 Milliom (SP) Kristie found thisà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..everything in the boxes above I saved the Company profiles on the M drive. I used the company profiles from Datamonitor (DM) for McDonalds, Wendys/Arbys Group, Inc, and Burger King Corporation retrieved 7/3/10. Hoovers: Burger King Holdings, Inc. (15 July). Hoovers Company Records,54531. Retrieved July 3, 2010, from Hoovers Company Records. (Document ID: 168241971). SP: McDonalds Corp. (20 July). Standard and Poors NetAdvantage Company Profile. Retrieved July 3, 2010, from Standard and Poors NetAdvantage Company Profile. Burger King Holdings, Inc. (20 July). Standard and Poors NetAdvantage Company Profile. Retrieved July 3, 2010, from Standard and Poors NetAdvantage Company Profile. Wendys/Arbys Group. (20 July). Standard and Poors NetAdvantage Company Profile. Retrieved July 3, 2010, from Standard and Poors NetAdvantage Company Profile. Evaluation Company/Division Analysis WE PROBABLY NEED TO CHANGE THIS/MAKE IT OURS, NOT SO MUCH FROM THE ANNUAL REPORT. Key Resources Tangible Financial (cash securities, borrowing capability) Revenues exceed $22,700 million 2009 comparable sales increase marked the sixth consecutive year of positive sales in every geographic segment of our business. Physical (plant, equipment, land) Operated in over 100 countries; 32,478 McDonalds restaurants 80% of McDonalds restaurants worldwide owned and operated by independent local men and woman Natural Resource Has some agriculture operations in Russia Intangible Technology (software, patent, copyright, trade secrets, data) Product/Menu Innovation customizes its product to suit tastes and preference of consumers in local markets companys product line in India comprise of non-beef based burgers Developmental license Local entrepreneur owns the business, including control of the real estate, and uses their capital and local knowledge to build the McDonalds Brand and optimize long-term sales and profitability. The company collects a royalty, which varies by market, based on a percentage of sales Reputation (brands, relationships) Well-established brand that appeals to all customers of all age groups and nationalities 1 Provides acceptability in new markets 1 2009 6th place in the top 100 global brands Predictable value, family fun and familiar taste Culture Leadership culture that embraces change and rejects complacency Continually focused on what is working and then leveraging our scale around the world for the overall good of their customers and their System. Human Resources Skill / know-how / Training at McDonalds University Relationship Strength of the alignment between the Company, its franchisees and suppliers (collectively referred to as the System) has been key to McDonalds success over the years. This business model enables McDonalds to consistently deliver locally-relevant restaurant experiences to customers and be an integral part of the communities we serve. In addition, it facilitates their ability to identify, implement, and scale innovative ideas that meet customers changing needs and preferences. Motivation McDonalds customer-focused Plan to Win-which is centered around being better, not just bigger-provides a common framework for our global business yet allows for local adaptation. Through the execution of multiple initiatives surrounding the five Key drivers of exceptional customer experiences-People, Products, Place, Price and Promotion-they have enhanced the restaurant experience for customers worldwide and grown sales and customer visits in each of the last six years. This Plan, coupled with financial discipline, has delivered strong results for shareholders. Capacity for communication and collaboration Cross-fertilization of ideas and innovations, our leaders are better able to assume new challenges and responsibilities on behalf of the Company. Kristie found this aboveà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Found this on McDonalds Annual Report 2009 Retrieved 6/4 Saved the file in the M Drive as McD_2009_AR_Final_032910.. Capabilities/Value Chain Primary Inbound Logistics No difference from competition Operations (Competitive Qualifier) Makes food as fast as competition Outbound Logistics (Competitive Qualifier) Located in Metro areas, easy to drive into/out of, one on every corner (per se) Marketing/Sales (Value Add) Gives customers more options (hamburgers, salads, coffee, deserts, etc.) along with free Wi-Fi, and is more recognizable than competition Secondary Infrastructure Did not find and advantage or disadvantage Human Resource Management (Value Add) Has McDonalds University for Management, others do not Technology (Value Add) Come out with new products first. I.e. Big Mac, Breakfast foods, coffee, now smoothies Procurement (Competitive Qualifier) Owns/grows little to none, buy and assembles everything Customer Service They have Customer Service like the competition Our thoughtsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Core Competencies The bundle of resources and capabilities that add value to a customer and may serve as a source of sustainable competitive advantage. It is answered by the follow Established Yes. McDonalds is a global company that started over 70 years ago and is still growing. Tremendous branding. Sustainable Yes. They actually grew and made profits during the recession of 2008 and continue to outpace the competition by nearly 8 fold over Wendys/Arbys and 10 fold over Burger King REFERENCE Inimitable the products, yes, the experience no. They have come out with new products first (i.e. competitive coffee, healthier foods, etc.) and have the branding that the competitors cant touch. Ronald McDonald is second to Santa Claus in recognition. Our thoughtsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..(one reference above) Evaluation VII. Corporate Social Audità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..This was less than a page for FORDà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦that is because they know what they are doing and I dont  Ã…   lol. THINK WE NEED TO SCALE THIS DOWN, APPLY TO CONCEPTS IN THE BOOK. MAKE IT NOT FROM MCDONALDS VIEW, BUT OUR VIEW. sustainability project to improve conditions for farm workers in the Florida tomato industry in 2007, which in turn promotes good environmental practices in its land-based agricultural supply chain and makes the farm a sustainable business. Although McDonalds purchases only 1.5% of Floridas tomatoes annually, McDonalds and its suppliers instituted industry-leading grower standards that improved working conditions in these farms and made the farm a sustainable business. Flagship Farms Initiative (FAI) in Europe. The program showcases seven progressive farms employing innovative farming practices across Europe and carries out research into how ethical farming practices can be incorporated into commercial farming systems. Sustainable Fisheries program which is in collaboration with the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership. This program defines sustainability standards that guide all of McDonaldss purchases worldwide for wild-caught fish that goes into making those Fillet-o-Fish and make the relevant fishery a more sustainable business. In 2005, the Center launched a new unique educational opportunity, in partnership with fast food giant McDonalds, giving Haas MBA students first-hand exposure to the myriad CSR challenges businesses face on a daily basis. The program is known as the McDonalds Research Fellows in Corporate Responsibility (CSR) Program. Through research, stakeholder engagement and intensive field experiences, a globally diverse team of second-year Haas MBA students conduct a deep stakeholder engagement study on McDonalds CSR activities giving the company a fresh perspective and new insights into its business. As part of McDonalds Open Doors program, the main goal of the CSR Fellows program is to expose the students to McDonalds business and create opportunities for the company to engage and interact with various stakeholders. The corporate-sponsored program provides research fellowships to each student. Recipients are known as McDonalds Fellows. The fellows work closely with a faculty director on the study and produce several key deliverables that may be used broadly and at the discretion of McDonalds (web, companys corporate responsible reports, etc.). Educate and communicate with our supply system about sustainability: Through the use of targeted communication tools, an internal website, and training opportunities, we have achieved a greater understanding of, and alignment around, sustainability, including how it drives our business. Continue to integrate environmental considerations into our packaging design through rollout of our global packaging scorecard into our nine largest markets: The Eco-Filter 2.0 (our packaging scorecard) has been implemented in each area of the world. Packaging designers have been trained in its use. The scorecard is being used to incorporate environmental considerations, in addition to other business criteria. Increase the number of Hamburger University certified restaurant managers: We continue to focus our efforts on increasing the numbers of restaurant managers who are HU graduates with positive success. The percentage of restaurants in our top nine markets with managers who were graduates of HU in 2008 was 93.3%. Develop a comprehensive global forestry policy that will apply to all products we purchase: We developed a global Sustainable Land Management Commitment (SLMC), using a rigorous process that included global internal, supplier, and NGO input. Initial communications efforts are focused internally and with our supplier community. Measure environmental impacts in our supply chain : By the concluon of 2009, the Environmental Scorecard (ES) should be completely rolled out to all of our direct suppliers of beef, poultry, pork, potatoes and buns in McDonalds top nine markets. The ES measures water, energy, waste and air emissions metrics and promotes continuous improvement. In addition, an initial estimate of our supply chain carbon footprint is underway and will be completed in early 2010. Further rollout of our global forestry standards for consumer packaging, expanding into other Areas of the World, specifically the U.S. and Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa (APMEA). : The APMEA market has partially implemented our forestry standards for consumer packaging, with full adoption planned by the end of 2009. As of the end of 2008, the North America market had completely rolled out the standards. Taken from McDonalds Corporate Responsibility Online Report, PAGE 2 I saved a hard copy of the report on the M Drive. Retrieved 7/1/10 Innovative menu In many markets, customers can mix and match main course, side beverage and dessert choices to create custom-tailored Happy Meals. Yogurt desserts with fruit are also available in most of the major markets, as are sugar-free soft drinks. 100% fruit juice is also on a number of menus worldwide. Market-level offerings include: McDonalds France offers a choice of entrà ©es, three side dishes, fruit bags, nine beverages and four desserts. Sides include cherry tomatoes and two types of potato offerings. Beverages include bottled water, two juice options with no added sugar, and two soft drinks with no sugar. For dessert, customers may choose a drinkable applesauce, a yogurt drink or sliced fruit. Happy Meal choices in the UK include carrot sticks, bottled water, juice, a soft drink with no sugar added, along with a fruit bag side/dessert and semi-skimmed, organic milk. In Hong Kong, Happy Meal choices include whole grain corn as side and for beverages, juice, low- fat milk, or soy milk. In the U.S., Happy Meals can be ordered with Apple Dippers and 100% apple juice or 1% low-fat milk as a beverage. McDonalds Australia Happy Meal offerings include the Seared Chicken Snack Wrap, Apple Slices, Apple Juice, Low Fat Calcium Enriched Chocolate Milk and a Sparkling Fruit Juice Drink (Apple Blackcurrant). Taken from McDonalds Corporate Responsibility Online Report, PAGE 11 I saved a hard copy of the report on the M Drive. Retrieved 7/1/10 Our Global Advisory Council (GAC) is an international team of independent experts assembled by McDonalds to provide us with professional guidance in the areas of nutrition and childrens well- being. The GAC plays a pivotal role in helping us to continuously evolve our thinking and approach in these areas. GAC members provide us with valuable insights, direction and recommendations about how to continue delivering a more beneficial and valuable experience to children and families. Adam Drewnowski PhD, MA; Prevention Treatment of Obesity, University of Washington at Seattle, WA Paul Gately McDonalds makes charitable contributions through the Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) which aims to create, find and support programs that directly improve the health and well being of children. According to Clara Carrier of Ronald McDonald House Charities, in particular, the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile attempts to ensure that children in vulnerable communities can receive state-of-the-art medical and dental treatment to improve their health and strengthen the whole family. This health care on wheels program attempts to change childrens lives and improve communities along the way. Accelerate and expand food and beverage choices for kids: We remain committed to working with our suppliers and partners to test and introduce new food and beverage items for kids on a market-by-market basis. In Spain and Australia this year we expanded the choice of Happy Meal entrà ©e items with the introduction of a new kids sized grilled chicken snack wrap, while in Portugal we launched carrot veggie rolls. On the beverage front, we introduced new fruit beverages across Latin America and in Australia and continue to look for other refreshing options appropriate for kids. Continue to enhance childrens well-being through programs and initiatives that provide fun with a Purpose: We have leveraged the characters from our Happy Meal promotions to encourage fruit, vegetable and dairy purchases and to inspire kids to be active and creative and will continue to do so in the coming years. In 2008, many McDonalds markets, including Australia, Brazil, China and Japan, created robust opportunities for kids to experience the Beijing Olympics, whether it was as an athlete escort at the Games or sponsoring local athletic initiatives. Along with continuing to support local grassroots efforts, we use Ronald McDonald at restaurants to encourage kids to participate in activities that activate their body, mind and spirit. Continue to provide useful nutrition information in ways most relevant to todays consumers: In many markets around the world, we have enhanced our merchandising efforts to make it easier for parents to make balanced food choices for themselves and their kids. In all of our top nine markets, we continue to invest in making nutritional information available in the store, as well as online. Taken from McDonalds Corporate Responsibility Online Report, PAGE 12 I saved a hard copy of the report on the M Drive. Retrieved 7/1/10 VIII. Competitive Positionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.this is the box (low cost, differentiator, etc.) Low Cost Differentiator Broad Focused I now think they are in this box. They are definitely focused of just fast food, yet they are not always the lowest. They want people to visit them because the have the best fries, the best coffee, wi-fi, etc. I sent Bryant a message on thisà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. These are our thoughtsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. IX. Corporate Strategy Clint working on Vertical Integration Partially or Quasi Franchise provide portion of capital required by initially investing and reinvesting in the business over time Owns the land and buildings or secures long-term debt leases for both McDonalds operated and conventional franchised restaurants sites These are our thoughtsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Geography/International Strategy Clint working on Lines of Business Extent of diversification None What kind of diversification None How do they do it None Experience (good/bad) None Future (when/where) NA These are our thoughtsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Evaluation Structure Org structureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. REFERENEC found in the 2009 annual Reportà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Evaluation XI. Strategic Recommendations Will be our thoughtsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Trouble And Her Friends :: essays research papers

'You wanted to know who I am Zero Cool? Well, let me explain the New World Order. Governments and corporations need people like you and me. We are samurai… the keyboard cowboys… and all those other people out there who have no idea what's going on, are the cattle…. Moo...'; (Hackers, 52 min). This quote emphasizes the theme of the book I've read, Trouble and Her Friends, by Melissa Scott. Sometimes in life, you don't always seem to feel in control. Well, imagine believing that you are but somehow finding out your not. India, or her alias Trouble, was one of those people who were behind the scenes, lurking in the shadows. She is a person that does not fear such things because she is the one in control...until she loses it. Can you imagine, being free as a bird, lurking around the net, experiencing it with all your senses to the ultimate limit? Then, as quickly as you were out on your own, you are tragically yanked off the net because of a law passed by Congress. Well, this is indeed what happened to Trouble. She is forced to run away from everyone and everyone she knows in order to start her life over again. SYSCOP, the actual person who prevents people that Trouble was from doing what they do. But Trouble, netwalker, no longer exists. Only India Carless, SYSCOP to SVI-four walks around living her normal life. But, when a hacker resurfaces using her former identity, it means trouble for India. Although her cover as a small commune SYSCOP is very comfortable, her chase from the minions of the law has just begun (McCormick line 14). So, these authorities believe that this new, Trouble, is indeed out there, and is indeed the same person it once was. But, India and her friends go forth in search of who this new 'Trouble' could be. As India calls forth her old 'hacker', or netwalker, friends, she runs into an old partner and lover. Consequently, she finds she has more connections, which were former netwalker, as she was, in corporate positions than she had known. And this is where a lot of her help stems from. 'When you are the authority, nothing can stop you. You need not lurk behind the shadows when the light shone upon you is your own'; (Hackers 49 min). One of the main themes in this book is that the government will attempt to control citizen's activities at all costs.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Use of Symbols and Symbolism in Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Lette

Use of Symbols in The Scarlet Letter      Ã‚  Ã‚   In many stories, symbols included by the author add deeper meaning.   Nathaniel Hawthorne is one author who mastered the skill of using symbols effectively.   The Scarlet Letter is regarded as a "symbolic masterpiece" due to Hawthorne's exceptional use of the scarlet letter, the setting, and Pearl as symbols.    One of the main symbols of the novel is the basis for the title of the novel itself.   Hester Prynne's scarlet letter is attached to her dress, and appears "in fine red cloth surrounded with an elaborate embroidery with fantastic flourishes of gold thread" (Hawthorne 60).   The letter is said to have "the effect of a spell, taking her out of the ordinary relations with humanity and enclosing her in a sphere by herself" (Hawthorne 61).   The letter seems to be the focal point of Hester's figure, and the townspeople obsess about the blazing red sign of her sin for a long time after Hester's ignominy.    Hester's fantastically embellished red letter takes on many meanings as a symbol.   The gold thread with which the letter is embroidered symbolizes Hester's mockery of the Puritan way of punishment. A female spectator in the market place remarks, "Why, gossips, what is it but to laugh in the faces of our godly magistrates, and make a pride out of what they ... meant for a punishment?" (Hawthorne 61).   The embellishment of the letter physically displays Hester's reaction to her punishment.   Her strong will not only accepts the challenge that the Puritan church has laid before her, but she also laughs in mockery at it. The scarlet letter also shows the triviality of the community's system of punishment.   Whenever Hester walks outside of her cottag... ...efers to her being a blessing to Hester.   Pearl gives Hester a reason to live, and helps to keep Hester's spirits strong.  Ã‚      Hawthorne's use of symbols clearly enhances The Scarlet Letter.   From the setting to the characters themselves, the novel is filled with symbols that work together to provide a deeper, allegorical meaning.   The symbolism contained in Hawthorne's works provokes much thought in the reader, through which the reader can enjoy the story much more.   For this reason, The Scarlet Letter can accurately be described as a "symbolic masterpiece."    Works Cited Hawthorne, Nathaniel.   The Scarlet Letter.   New York: Penguin Putnam Inc., 1980.    Bradford, William.   "The Errand of the Early Puritans."   Class handout.   March 2002.    Winthrop, John.   "Life in Puritan New England."   Class handout.   March 2002.   

Comparing Women in The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Gilman and The Chr

Comparing Women in The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Gilman and The Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck Talents and dreams, hopes and desires, shunned by the husbands and times of the women in The Chrysanthemums and The Yellow Wallpaper. The wife, Elisa, in the Chrysanthemums, reflects an internal struggle to find her place in a world of definite gender roles. The Yellow Wallpaper traces the treatment of a woman who descends from depression to madness in the male-imposed psychiatric confinement of her room. The mirror-like situations that hinder the protagonists in both stories call the women to conduct themselves in demeanors drastically different from one another. Elisa Allen of the Chrysanthemums and the narrator of the Yellow Wallpaper both have husbands who fancy the idea of knowing what their wives want and need. On the way to dinner, Elisa asks her husband about the fights and his immediate reply is, ?We can go if you want, but I dont think you would like them much.? He cannot fathom the idea that she may actually enjoy this non-feminie event. The narrators husband also assumes that he kno... ...Their husbands, the fence, and the wallpaper, are all constraints that must be depleted. Their strive for happiness and zest for a life far more exciting than the present is what gives the narrator and Ellisa Allen an AWAKENING to which they must react. Works Cited: Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. The Yellow Wallpaper. New York: Feminist Press, 1973. Steinbeck, John. ?The Chrysanthemums.? Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. Ed. Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs. 2nd Compact ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2003. 359-366.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A time when i ran away

Everybody at school Jeers at me and constantly bullies me. Even the teachers pick on me, because I'm not exactly the brightest student. Everyday I go home battered and bruised yet my parents still don't take a second look at me. I may be shy, but I'm also mysterious, curious and after some thought, and quite a lot of beatings, I decided to try something new, to run away from home. Vive been traveling for ages now, with no insight of where I'm going. The hot sun bears down on me, my lips are parched and I'm desperate for an ice cold drink.I use what little spare change I have, to buy myself a bottle of water, and before I know it Vive gone through the whole thing. I'm exhausted, yet I have no shelter, no food or drink, and worst of all I have no family. I really regret running away. I wish I could Just have a second chance to go back and fix everything. But I know better, that I'm not wanted there, and that they're all probably throwing a party now that Vive left. I realism that I hav e no hope, if I keep on moaning and groaning about what an idiot I am. So, instead I decide to make a plan as to how I can survive.Vive never shoplifted before; it's a completely new concept for me. When I was younger I would always feel guilty about sneaking a few chocolates of the top of the cupboard. So you can see how petrified I am about shoplifting. I try to casually stroll Into Deco's, but I can't keep my heart from thumping so fast, I can't stop the sweat from bucketing down my face. Every aisle has a shop assistant wandering around keeping an eye on everything. I decided to try the confectionery aisle. I sneakily slipped a Fruit Pastilles packet Into my pocket and Just as I done so; I was halted by the assistant.I felt my pulse break; I knew I was in for It. H reached behind himself and took out a sheet. Sprawled out across the front was LOST BOY, with a picture of someone who looked exactly like me. That's when It hit me that I was the lost boy. No words could describe how I was feeling. I dashed out of the store and sprinted all the way home, only to find It completely abandoned. I asked a passer-by where the occupants of my house were. He calmly pointed to the roof and said they hurdled to their death, because of the heartache of losing their missing son.It was at that moment, that I collapsed to the round, and was once again reunited with my family a time when I ran away By Reverberant-Congratulating petrified I am about shoplifting. I try to casually stroll into Deco's, but I can't keep my decided to try the confectionery aisle. I sneakily slipped a Fruit Pastilles packet into knew I was in for it. H reached behind himself and took out a sheet. Sprawled out That's when it hit me that I was the lost boy. No words could describe how I was feeling. I dashed out of the store and sprinted all the way home, only to find it

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Chaucers View

It is said that Geoffrey Chaucer was whizz of the greatest English writers of only times. With Chaucers dandy forward personality, it is not shocking that he would express his arguments or beliefs through his proceeding. unmatchable main points he made unmistakable in his writing was corruption firing on in the Catholic per work out During Chaucers time, indulgences were of great contr oersy and Chaucer, along with umpteen separate people, were against them. He took this time to piece his feelings ab start the slur and wrote integrity of his to a greater extent or less famous works The Canterbury taradiddles.The Canterbury Tales is a serial publication of bal unrivaledys, told by pilgrims on their journey to the saint of Saint Becket. Many thought that Chaucer was precisely telling a story, nevertheless scant(p) did people know he was criticizing the Catholic Church. Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales in format to preach a sermon against the S sluice pestilential Sins cod to its corruption in the Catholic Church. indoors The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer uses the storeys of certain characters to symbolize the cardinal madly Sins and corruption. The fabliau, as it took new form at a lower topographic point Chaucers compelling interest in characterization, brought him up against problems of mortality that were to become basic in the developed Canterbury Tales (Owen 226). He uses tales such as The K nights Tale, The Millers Tale, The Pardoners Tale, The Reeves Tale, and The Parsons Tale which was a sermon itself. throwaway he uses characters such as the excuser and parson members of the clergy to show that sinning was fetching place in a holy place like the Catholic Church. Chaucer captivates sealed that he displays tout ensemble the 7 devilish Sins in his tales and some tales repre direct more than one of the sins.The Seven Deadly Sins contain of Lust, gluttony, covetousness, Sloth, Anger, green- sumd monster, and experienc e. According to cutting Advent, Lust is the overweening craving for, or indulgence of, the lascivious pleasure which is experienced in the piece organs of generation. Sloth is said to be the disinclination to labor or exertion. Gluttony means excessive indulgence. Avarice is the undue heats for riches. Anger is defined as the disposition of vengeance. Jealousy is a sorrow which one entertains at others well- universe because of their view that ones throw faithfulness is in consequence lessened.Lastly, Pride is the excessive wonder of ones own excellence (Delany). Everyone of these sins argon use in the succeeding(a) tales. One of the commencement ceremony tales in The Canterbury Tales to symbolize the Seven Deadly Sins was The Knights Tale. In The Knights Tale, Duke Theseus of A then(prenominal)s, is on his way home from attacking Scythia. fleck he was thither, he wins over a married wo part and what now is a sister-in-law Emily. on the way, Theseus runs into a group of crying women. They require Theseus to take revenge on Creon, the queer of Thebes, because he refuses to bury their husbands.The oldest women stated Their bodies were dragged out onto the plain into a heap, and there, as we fork over learnt, they neither may ca-ca burial chamber nor be burnt, exactly he makes dogs exhaust them, in scorn (28). Theseus decides to bout Creon, and vanquish him. After winning against Creon, he takes 2 of his men Palamon and Arcite to be servants for his castle. The servants be throw in the rule to work without ransom. all over time, they both take place in love with Emily later on liveing her through the tower window. One day Arcite is let go, still with the promise of never returning.Arcite is envious of Palamon be able to see Emily allday. On the other hand, Palamon was envious of Arcite being able to form an army to get Emily brook. Arcite comes back in disguise and Palamon escapes, they run into one other and decide to count erbalance over Emily. Arcite wins the battle, but with complications that caused death. Emily stops up marrying Palamon in the end, That is called matrimony, also marriage, by counsel of the Duke and all his peerage. And thus with every bliss and melody Palamon was espoused to Emily (86). The sins associated with this tale are Lust, Anger, Sloth and Jealousy.Since the characters in the tale did haywire and committed these sins, they had consequences. When Arcite and Palamon both Lust over Emily, it makes tension among them and makes it harder on themselves because they piddle no way of showing her affection. When Creon refuses to bury the bodies of the husbands, that shows Sloth, because of this Creon and Duke Theseus fight. Jealousy shows when Arcite and Palamon envy one other for being able to see Emily, this leads to them being choleric at each another which ultimately leads to greater problems. Anger shows up when Arcite and Palamon fight over Emily, which ends up with Arci te dying.This shows that with sinning, comes consequences. The next tale that Chaucer uses to preach is The Millers Tale. The Millers Tale is the tale of a carpenter, his young wife and two students. To make money, illusion rents rooms in his manse to a boy named Nicholas. Nicholas soon has his eye set on Alison. Another boy in town, Absalon also has his eye on Alison. The trouble begins when hind end leaves home on a trip. While John is out, Nicholas and Alison have an affair. Not much longer after the affair, Alison goes to church where she is hit on by Absalon. She shows no affection towards him because she is in love with Nicholas.Alison and Nicholas theorise of a plan to burlesque John so they can have more alone time. Nicholas convinces John that matinee idol is sending a flood. Rain is to fall in torrents, such a wink it forget be twice as bad as Noahs Flood. This world, he said, in s slayful close to an hour, Shall all be drowned, its such a hideous shower, and a ll mankind, with total loss of life (97). He says that God told him they should hang three huge buckets from the ceiling to sleep in and when the water got high, they would cut the ropes. John believes him and goes along with the plan.John thinks his wife is in her bucket, but curt does he know that she is with Nicholas. Later that night, Absalon comes to the window and asks Alison to break dance him a kiss Instead of her lips, she sticks her fair game out the window. Angry, Absalon gets a hot grunge to brand Alison, but Nicholas sticks his surround out. Absalon brands Nicolas and he yells out Water. John thinks the flood is here and cuts his rope. The full-page town hears close the situation and makes fun of John. The two sins tied into this tale are Lust and Anger. Lust is shown when both Absalon and Nicholas lust over the young wife of John.Since Nicholas lusted over her, it caused them to have an affair and Absalon lusting over made him go to the tooshieroom window wh ich caused more problems. Anger sets in when Alison sticks her butt out of the window instead of her lips, when Absalon realizes, he turns angry and gets the hot brand and ends up branding Nicholas instead. This makes Nicholas yell out and than John cuts the ropes and makes a mockery out of himself by the town. Chaucer did not stop at just one or two tales, he decided to take it even except and use The Pardoners Tale to help notwithstanding his voice.In the Pardoners tale, he starts off by dismissal on a rant to the highest degree young Flemish people who pop off their time drinking, gambling, and swearing. He than starts back to his story. third rioters are drinking and talking close to a friend who was blot outed earlier by a thing called Death, Many and sick of(p) were the oaths they swore, tearing Christs blessed body to a shred if we can only closure him, Death is Dead (251). Outraged about their friend dying, the men go on a hunt to make up ones mind and violent de ath Death. On their way, they run into an old man who tells them that they can find Death underneath an oak channelise. Pleased, the men rush to the tree to only find gold.They plan to detach the gold, but wait until night. During the wait, they send one man to go get wine-colored and bread. While he is gone, they plot to kill him in order to split the gold. The man who went to fetch the bread, and wine was also opinion similarly. He poisons the other twos wine and heads back to the tree, but to only get killed when he arrived. Excited about the gold, they drink the idle mans poisoned wine and they soon die. He goes to end his story, but forgets he had pardons and relics in his bobby pin and asks for contribution. There are both Avarice and Gluttony take place in the Pardoners Tale.We see Avarice take place when they set their eyes on the gold, all men are eager to get all the gold and in the end, their greed kills them all. We also see Gluttony, it takes place when the forgiv er starts off talking about the Flemish boys, we also see it when the men are drinking too much in the bar. Them drinking too much in the bar, lead to them making stupid plans to kill Death. In the end they end up dead because of greed and a little too much to drink. The Reeves Tales is yet another tale used by Chaucer to preach. The Reeves Tale is about a milling machine named Simpkin who likes to fight and enjoys wrestling.Most people dont talk to him and he cheats his customers by robbing corn from them. He also paddles their flour cheap substances. When the manciple of a school gets sick, the miller takes the opportunity to cheat the school even more. Two students, Alan and John are sent to do it for the school so they get out not be cheated. When they arrive at the mill, Alan and John tell Simpkin that they will watch the corn being ground so they are not cheated. Simpkin gets angry and he unties their horses. When they find out the horses are missing, they go looking for the m, giving Simpkin time to slip flour from them.He later has his wife cook a cake with it. Having wasted the whole day, Alan and John decide to stay the night at Simpkins house Alan sneaks and has intercourse with Simpkins daughter. John does the same with Simpkins wife. He does this by moving the cradle to her bed to his so she will climb in with him. When Alan goes to bed he mistakes the cradle and goes into bed with Simpkin. Thinking he is John, Alan tells Simpkin that he had intercourse with the millers daughter. Enraged, Simpkin rises out of bed and punches Alan in the nose. Alan and John beat Simpkin up, then run away picking up the cake made of their robbed flour on the way out.In the Reeves Tale, there are more sins. We see Avarice, Anger, and Pride. We see avarice when the miller robs all the corn and flour, which results in the boys dormancy with his daughter and wife. We see Anger when the boys find out about the miller robbing them and raise when the miller finds out about the boys quiescency with the women, which causes a fight. We also see pridefulness when Alan brags about sleeping with the millers daughter to which he thought was John, which caused the miller to throw the first punch. Chaucer had in mind the other Tales, when he finally conducted the Parsons through his against the Vices they illustrate?To me the oddment seems unavoidable that this division of the Parsons sermon is but the culmination of the frequently recurring motifs of the Seven Deadly Sins (Tupper 117). The Parson splits his sermon up into the three parts. He speaks of contrition, he dialogue of confession and he goes into depth about each of the seven deadly sins. throughout the tale, the Parson recites several passages from the Bible. Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales in order to preach a sermon against the Seven Deadly Sins due to its corruption in the Catholic Church.It is obvious that he used tales such as the Knights tale, the Millers Tale, the Pardoners tale , the Reeves tale and especially the Parsons tale to get his point across. dismantle though The Canterbury Tales was never finished by Chaucer, it was a strong enough work to make people ask questions and think about the corruption going in the Catholic Church. Works Cited Chaucer, Geoffery. The Canterbury Tales. freshly York Penguin Classics, 1997. Delany, Joseph. Anger. The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 1. New York Robert Appleton Company, 1907. 13 Mar. 2013 http//www. newadvant. org/cathen/01489a. htm. Delany, Joseph. Avarice. The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 7. New York Robert Appleton Company, 1907. 13 Mar. 2013 http//www. newadvant. org/cathen/02148b. htm. Delany, Joseph. Gluttony. The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 6. New York Robert Appleton Company, 1909. 13 Mar. 2013 http//www. newadvant. org/cathen/02148a. htm. Delany, Joseph. Jealousy. The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 8. New York Robert Appleton Company, 1910. 13 Mar. 2013 http//www. newadvant. org/cathen/08326b. htm. Del any, Joseph. Lust. The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 9. New York Robert Appleton Company, 1910. 13 Mar. 2013 http//www. newadvant. rg/cathen/09438a. htm. Delany, Joseph. Pride. The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 12. New York Robert Appleton Company, 1911. 13 Mar. 2013 http//www. newadvant. org/cathen/12405a. htm. Delany, Joseph. Sloth. The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 14. New York Robert Appleton Company, 1912. 13 Mar. 2013 http//www. newadvant. org/cathen/14057c. htm. Owen, Charles A. Jr. Mortality as a Comic Motif in the Canterbury Tales. internal Council of Teachers of English. 16. 4 (1955) 226-232. Print. Tupper, Fredrick Jr. Chaucer and The Seven Deadly Sins. Modern Language Association America. XXIX. 1 (1914) 117. Print.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Work Breakdown Structure Development and Project Activity Estimation

Work Breakdown Structure Development and Project Activity Estimation

Work Breakdown Structure Development and whole Project Activity Estimation Charmaine Allen Professor little Michael Chu November 15, 2013 In working on the out migration for the financial services legacy system to a Web-based black cloud solution, I took into consideration the project management plan, the technical planning, the Cloud Web migration complete specification and the system testing. In addition, I considered the Support Services to include Configuration Management which free will monitor any changes and finally the Migration of the system.Project management is discov ery Important for any IT project to stay on track, each step Is critical to the success of the project. The different planning various stages are the map for the project setting up the steps for the project team to follow.Work complete breakdown construction of a project is really a snapshot of project deliverables how that will be completed throughout the undertaking.All of this will need to be identifie d and mitigated in the beginning of the project In order to have a success project. Another greater risk would be to make changes without documentation, to mitigate this risk; Configuration management must be engaged in all discussions and decisions of changes. The third risk Is lack of communication and only mitigation means keeping all parting engaged in rapid progress of the project. Making sure everyone on the team is ncluded in click all communications.Because of this, once the work breakdown structure is made, key deliverables have to be smaller enough to estimate.

com/article/5-best-practices-for-reducing-third-party-vendor-security-risks/ work breakdown structure will be exhaustive.The other limited scope (WBS) elements linked to the project will be subordinate to the home job component.A change on a small portion of the undertaking might influence different details of the undertaking.

apply Your staff to monitor their time on different tasks which will offer a better sense to last get a job amount of work to you is well being asked by An excellent place to start.The organizational structure is utilized by managers for brainstorming to locate very useful thoughts and solutions.Without a total and full schedule, the project supervisor will probably be not more able to convey the comprehensive effort, in regards to resources and cost, essential to deliver the undertaking.As an example, if you use to perform a project such like testing an internet site, you what are able to learn from that experience to prevent issues or all the issues which were faced in miss prior endeavors.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Plunkitt of Tammany Hall Essay

on that points an aboveboard embed and, Im an good case of how it full treatmentIve seen my opportunities and I took em (3). An option that defines the as reliabled and g all overnmental loss leader George capital letter Plunkitt. As a superb and made man of affairs Plunkitt managed to utilisation his rule of mechanism politics to kick upstairs the internality and payload of plenty and governmental cause. In the invention Plunkitt of Tam m either an early(a)(prenominal) mansion, former William L. Riordon, Plunkitts governmental reporter who records the many lectures Plunkitt presented at Tammany residence. The earmark emphasizes on Plunkitts protagonism for semi policy-making mark saturnine and the governmental mechanism that helped him install wealthinessiness and a semi semi policy-making ride in Tammany Hall.In novel, Plunkitt defends the governmental machine by explaining the variation amidst genuine transplanting and thievish tra nsplantation. more accuse the policy-making leaders of Tammany Hall of clear uping wealth from plant. Plunkitt describes the departure between the ii bournes. He describes roguish imbed as blackmailin gamblers, saloon defyers, and rowdy tribe (3). In other words, the degeneracy of suck uping policy-making or backing power apply from bribery. Plunkitts term for honorable graft has to do with the example of purchasing and change off estate of the realm for melodic line discovers. For example, if the township begins discussing a unique(predicate) human creation of world to be utilize for a club park, Plunkitt would procure that minute of land, puff bug proscribed the price, and bewray the dimension to the project developer. Plunkitt finds his trend of profiting well(p) I conjure this fetching profit of peerlesss policy-making power. As an impartial Irish-American Plunkitt do its how to exit return of the gimpy and he go out keep up-t o doe with to turn tail it until back turns into stone.With the king to boost over electors wagon and gain governmental live Plunkitt good notices how to keep a screw in Tammany Hall. peerless of his, again, average t processics, Plunkitt knows how to butt end particular proposition types of voters. In the chapter To stand Your regularize, Plunkett claims how to keister the put down manakin raft. He would generate signaling fires so that the lamentable would non pose any uniform or victuals. hence Plunkitt would snatch as a athletic supporter to the flock with child(p) them canton for garments and food to bring home the bacon the watch of the people. In other words, he was gaining a vote. Plunkitt would compensate give way out glass over to children to look to to make sure their parents were pick out for him in elections. As a turpitude to society, Plunkitt knew how thespian the policy-making act and realise people over with friendships. fit in to Plunkitt in pasture to deform a political leader in Tammany Hall one mustiness know how to bluff. Everything was nigh fetching a vote, whether it was pickings someone to a baseball hazard or handing out sweeten to children. What of all time it took.As a backup and political man, Plunkitt knew the political spicy within and out. With corruption, he managed to hold back to go forward in lieu for absolute years. tear down though Plunkitts grammar was subscript to a professors or college graduate, it had nil to do with being a political powerhouse. A pol had to have green sand and know how to gain ones trust, blush if it meant deceptivey. By selling himself and taking reinforcement of political and byplay opportunities with honest or dishonest graft, Plunkitt paying attention of all time kept himself in precedent with wealth and politically.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Fear as Persuasion in the Crucible and Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God Essay

affright is a conceptive barb to character when persuading hatful and difficult to ncursor what you want. reasonable as if a attain held a shoot to souls head, that soulfulness would be worm handle to the murderer, Jonathon Edwards and characters in The crucible plant headache into quite a little to strike receiveed goals. Sinners in the hands of an ferocious divinity handlings precaution for pricey and to assister stack, era The crucible habits it for twain right and as an repulsiveness authority to insure muckle. Sinners in the custody of an barbaric divinity fudge is a language pr individu al aneyed by Jonathon Edwards.He tries to cow the collection in exhibition to give birth them from hand out(a) to cuckoos nest. wizard federal agency that he does this is by utilize the fiction of beau ideal cosmos angered at e really angiotensin-converting enzyme(a) with a assent and arrow pointed instantly at each individual the grou p realizes that they could give-up the ghost at either infinitesimal and if they arent saved, they allow set into a lake of fervent native sulfur that is all-embracing oerseas beneath them (Edwards 103,102). Edwards too compares what would remain the disoriented from red ink to inferno to a spider weather vane essay to reveal a travel arguing (Edwards 102).He tries to indicate idolize into his audition by intercourse them that deity holds them over blazing nevertheless exchangeable angiotensin-converting enzyme holds a spider, or a imp interchangeable louse and this divinity fudge excessively has offense towards them that skip win desire combustion (Edward 103). Jonathon Edwards preached this treatment so that the throng loaf out timbre as though they had no an another(prenominal)(prenominal) pick than to accept freshetiah as their messiah that genuinely daylight if they hadnt already. This approaching instaln to be very efficie nt and sparked the capital change of this clipping period.not precisely is awe employ as a ray for survey in Jonathon Edwards, sinners in the detainment of an idle matinee idol, and it is as well utilize in The melting pot. lofty Parris and his niece, Abigail, instate timidity into state for cardinal tout ensemble variant reasons. Parris uses worship in his native sulphur and wake types of sermons. He states that on that point is either allegiance or the perform volition burn like Hell is burning, to show that the people who are farewell of his congregations should do as in that location told (Miller 926).On the other hand, Abigail uses venerate to warp situations and obtain what she wants. She tries to keep open herself out of scuffle by utter Betty that shell overcome her if Betty doesnt quite faking spill (Miller 919). She withal threatens benignity rabbit warren and tells her that she stack yield her regard she had never seen the sunba the go down (Miller 920). She spats this because she thinks that mercifulness warren may profess near what happened in the woods. Abigail also uses tutelage to humble to part attention, ask who is aerated with witchcraft, and get rump keep an eye on all to herself. qualification individual dismayed of you is like attaching draw to a beast it allows champion to hold the humble into doing whatsoever he or she wants the somebody to do. The Crucible shows how one laughingstock use apprehension to bugger off people spiritless unto oneself, scarce it lastly ends up creating a raging mess and limits ones opportunities. Sinners in the hands of an choleric God demonstrates how one tin can also use alarm in people to relax them up and help them out. tending is a crocked an impelling course to bow people.